Brief introduction.
K-LINK has marketed over 100 products. Currently K-Link has marketed a wide range of quality products to improve the quality of public health. Ranging from dietary supplements and beverage products, traditional medicines and herbs, textile products for medical, health supporting products, cosmetics and products and the daily needs of the household.
All products of K-Link can be found in many countries in the world.
<Pages: K-Link Around The World>.
But to buy the products of K-Link, you should be required to be a member first. Why? Because K-LINK is a multi level marketing company directly <direct-selling> which provides the opportunity for all members:
A.Member as product users only.
1. to be able to obtain a product with a price of K-Link distributor / price member.
2. Giving advantages to buying a product at every promotion which is always held.
3.Often held promotional prizes, as well as tours abroad.
B.Member as Partner K-Link <Independent Distributor>
1.Buying products with priced member.
2.As a partner,an intrepreneur or as a netpreneur with income indefinitely and can be inherited
3.Gain training both of Upline directly or from K-Link Company.
4.Gain incentives and rewards for Independent Distributors at all levels.
5.Marketing Plan of K-Link <K-System> with Plan A: offers 11 lucrative incentives, as well as Plan- B in which there 'Dynamic Fund', "Bonus Infinity", "Bonus Double Pleated Network", and the scheme "Global Bonus division".
Except in Canada and the USA, if you want to become a K-Link Members must get a "sponsor", which means "a person who had already become a member on the K-Link". For thus ordinances, and there is a format for the new member registration form that requires to fill obvious sponsor name and ID card member.
In some countries such as Australia, Canada,Papua New Guinea, USA, and Indonesia <in the pre-launch> you can register your participation by registration-online from the website.
And if you want to become a member in K-Link, either as Member Product User <Customer> or would like to become a Partner, Entrepreneur or as Netpreneur with a small capital, a self-regulated, but not limited income and can be inherited as well, can not registration - online, you are required to come directly to the stockists, stockists-Branch, or the K-Link Members who had already been there in your place and recorded in K-Link Company. And you also have to fill in the Member ID Name Sponsor and its K-Link.
Look ---->> " HERE "
So if you intend to join the K-Link after reading this blog, with all due respect please included:
Name: D.Panggabean Sidabutar -
Please send an email via the existing Form Contact- top up right, if there needs to be an explanation.
Or Contact / SMS to: +628567636445
Thank you
My compliments ....

Greater Jakarta-Indonesia
27-okt'2015, 04;12 am
Assalam mualaikum Perkenalkan Nama Saya Muhammad Riyan, Salah Satu Distributor Klink Indonesi, Saya Ingin Solusi Sahabat.
BalasHapusBagai Mana Cara nya Saya Ingin Joinkan Seseorang Yang Mau Join Anggota Diarap Saudi. Dan Mau Pesan Produk nya. Mohon di Jawab Solusinya ya,