Business Opportunity - Plan B

Second Limb of the Double Reward Marketing Plan

To enjoy the marketing Plan B, a distributor must first maintain a Personal Sale of 400BV or more whilst under Marketing Plan A. From this BV amount, 200BV will automatically be transferred to Marketing Plan B. The bonus sharing is distributed into FOUR (4) categories as follows:

Dynamic Fund 9%*

Qualifications and Points calculated to share this fund are as follows:
  1. Must have THREE (3) different direct lines with Monthly Personal Sales of 200BV each, which is considered as ONE (1) qualified point.
  2. Must have at least FIVE (5) different direct lines with Monthly Personal Sales of 200BV each, which is considered as TWO (2) qualified points.
The Diagrams below illustrate the qualification of the Dynamic Fund:
* Only for Manager and below.

20% Infinity Bonus

  1. The sales of 200 BV of the first direct downline in Marketing Plan B will automatically be passed up to the upline. This is indicated by the letter "L" in the diagram below.
  2. You will share the 20% of every sales of 200 BV from your second to fifth or more direct downlines. This will encourage the upline to assist the downline to do sponsoring.
  3. Since there is a pass up Bonus of every distributor, you can share this Bonus on an infinite basis. This will translate to more income as sales increase for the distributors.
The diagram below shows the brief detail of this Bonus:

28% Network Multiplying Bonus

  1. Must have Personal Sales of 400 BV or more in Marketing Plan "A".
  2. Must maintain 5 different direct downlines with each maintaining 400 BV or more every month. This achievement entitles the distributor to enjoy 9 levels of Business Value bonus.
  3. 200 BV out of 400 BV in Marketing Plan "A" is automatically transferred to Marketing Plan "B".
Must maintain monthly Business Value as shown in the Marketing Plan.

Network Multiplying Bonus

15% Global Bonus Sharing

K-LINK International allocates 15% of the total BV of the sales from Marketing Plan B as Global Bonus Sharing with fair distribution system. The entire allocated amount is to be shared by all the distributors. This Bonus will be divided into THREE (3) categories and a distributors is qualified to enjoy either ONE (1) of these categories. The Bonus is also based on the Sales of the distributors as stated below.

A. 5% of the Total Sales from Plan B

Qualifications for sharing this Global Bonus:
  1. Must have THREE (3) different direct lines with Monthly Total Sales from Plan A plus Plan B of not less than 3,000 BV each.
  2. The Monthly Total Group Sales of Plan A plus Plan B is less than 100,000 BV.
The diagram below shows the brief illustration of the qualification of this category:

B. 5% of the total sales from Plan B

Qualifications for sharing this Global Bonus:
  1. Must have THREE (3) different direct lines with Monthly Total Sales from Plan A plus Plan B of not less than 10,000 BV, 10,000 BV and 5,000 BV.
  2. The Monthly Total Sales of Plan A plus Plan B should be 100,000 BV to less than 400, 000BV.
The diagram below shows the brief illustration of the qualification of this category:

C. 5% of the Total Sales from Plan B

Qualifications for sharing this Global Bonus:
  1. Must have THREE (3) different direct lines with Monthly Total Sales from Plan A plus Plan B of not less than 10,000 BV, 10,000 BV and 5,000 BV.
  2. The Monthly Total Group Sales of Plan A plus Plan B should be 400,000 BV and above.
The diagram below shows the brief illustration of the qualification of this category:

                        Watch also about:



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